An annotated translation of Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus' treatise On the Procession of the Holy spirit, discourse On the Order in the Trinity, and Letter to Alexios Iagoupes

Research output: Book/ReportScholarly edition


The book will offer a full translation with introduction and commentary of Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus; major theological works on the basis of the recent critical edition of the Greek text by Charalambos Dendrinos, Imperatoris Manuelis Palaeologi Opera thologica: Apologia de processione Spiritus Sancti, Tractatus de ordine in Trinitate, Epistula ad dominum Alexium Iagoupem, Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca 71 (Brepols: Turnhout, 2022), 433 pp. ISBN 978-2-503-52807-6
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusIn preparation - 2026

Publication series

NameCorpus Christianorum Translations

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