Activity Recognition for Diabetic Patients Using a Smartphone

Bozidara Kvetkovic, Vito Janko, Alfonso Romero Lopez, Remzi Kafali, Konstantinos Stathis, Mitja Lustrek

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Diabetes is a disease that has to be managed through appropriate lifestyle. Technology can help with this, particularly when it is designed so that it does not impose an additional burden on the patient. This paper presents an approach that combines machine-learning and symbolic reasoning to recognise high-level lifestyle activities using sensor data obtained primarily from the patient’s smartphone. We compare five methods for machine-learning which differ in the amount of manually labelled data by the user, to investigate the trade-off between the labelling effort and recognition accuracy. In an evaluation on real-life data, the highest accuracy of 83.4 % was achieved by the MCAT method, which is capable of gradually adapting to each user.
Original languageEnglish
Article number256
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Medical Systems
Early online date8 Oct 2016
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016

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