A Multi-Service Composition Model for Tasks in Cloud Manufacturing Based on VS-ABC Algorithm

Di Liang, Jieyi Wang, Ran Bhamra, Liezhao Lu, Yuting Li

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This study analyzes the impact of Industry 4.0 and SARS-CoV-2 on the manufacturing industry, in which manufacturing entities are faced with insufficient resources and uncertain services; however, the current study does not fit this situation well. A multi-service composition for complex manufacturing tasks in a cloud manufacturing environment is proposed to improve the utilization of manufacturing service resources. Combining execution time, cost, energy consumption, service reliability and availability, a quality of service (QoS) model is constructed as the evaluation standard. A hybrid search algorithm (VS–ABC algorithm) based on the vortex search algorithm (VS) and the artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) is introduced and combines the advantages of the two algorithms in search range and calculation speed. We take the customization production of automobiles as an example, and the case study shows that the VS–ABC algorithm has better applicability compared with traditional vortex search and artificial bee colony algorithms.
Original languageEnglish
Article number3968
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2022

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