Project Details
Pilot project to deliver and evaluate input on using EMDR (eye movement, desensitisation and reprocessing therapy) to social work professionals exposed to trauma and vicarious trauma. EMDR is recognised by the NHS as a therapeutic tool to support people experiencing traumatic events and there is some evidence of success with e.g. first responders and health professionals. Social workers experience high levels of exposure to trauma in child protection practice and there are associated concerns about high levels of burnout and attrition in the profession. This project will deliver workshops on EMDR techniques to local authority social workers, with the aim of evaluating participants experiences qualitatively and through standardised evaluations. Data analysis will inform development of an expanded research project in this area.
Layman's description
This project will provide training to social work professionals who experience high levels of trauma, for example their work exposes them to the trauma of others who have experienced violence or abuse. This trauma can impact negatively and create a form of stress known as vicarious trauma. This project will offer new skills and techniques to social workers, to see whether these new methods are helpful in reducing the impact of vicarious trauma and supporting workers well-being. It will be evaluated using discussion with the participants and questionnaires. This study will inform the development of a new larger study in the future.
Key findings
To be advised on completion of study
Short title | EMDR Reid Fund Project |
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 1/01/24 → … |