Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry

  • Shapcott, Jo (Recipient)

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


Awarded for a book of verse published by someone in the Commonwealth. Recommendations to the Queen for the award of the Medal are made by a committee of eminent scholars and authors chaired by the Poet Laureate. In recent times, the award has been announced on the (traditional date of the) birthday of William Shakespeare, 23 April.

The medal was awarded for Of Mutability.

Awarded for a book of verse published by someone in the Commonwealth. Recommendations to the Queen for the award of the Medal are made by a committee of eminent scholars and authors chaired by the Poet Laureate. In recent times, the award has been announced on the (traditional date of the) birthday of William Shakespeare, 23 April. The medal was awarded for Of Mutability.
Granting OrganisationsHM the Queen


  • Of Mutability
  • poetry and the body