Sophie Syms

Sophie Syms


Personal profile

Research interests

  • Memory
  • Space, place and landscape(s)
  • Heritage: identity, belonging, ownership
  • Later Prehistoric and Roman Britain ― especially Cornwall!

Doctoral research

My research project will map memories of Roman-period archaeological sites in Cornwall. Through a combination of survey, interview, and archival research, it will collect individual memories, collate them to form a living dataset of memory and experience specifically connected to Cornish archaeological sites, and contextualise them within a mixed-methodological framework. From an archaeological anchor, it will explore the ways in which these sites and their associated memories interact with and affect contemporary narratives of heritage and the questions of identity, belonging, and ownership that accompany them; as well as providing key evidence to inform and shape strategies of site management and heritage protection in the region. 

Educational background

  • 2016-2017. MA Classical Art and Archaeology (Lond). Thesis title ― ‘Where the granite meets the sea’: Memory and Materiality in Later Prehistoric and Romano-British West Cornwall. Supervisor: Dr Zena Kamash.
  • 2013-2016. BA Ancient History (Lond). Thesis title ― The Unbridged River: an exploration of the Euphrates in the Roman period. Supervisor: Dr Zena Kamash.

Scholarships and awards

  • Department of Classics doctoral studentship (2019―)
  • The Longfield-Jones Prize for Classical Archaeology (2016)
  • The Bedford Excellence Scholarship (2013)