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Michael Berger


  • TW20 0EX

Personal profile

Personal profile


University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

1961 BA Psychology Major, First Class.

1962 BA (Hons.), Psychology, Upper Second Class.

1962-63 University of London, Institute of Psychiatry Academic Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology: Abnormal Psychology, University of London.

1976 Ph.D., University of London.

Academic and Professional Appointments:

1960-61 Undergraduate Assistant, University of the Witwatersrand.

1962 Graduate Assistant (one term), University of the Witwatersrand.

1964-65 Research Assistant to Prof. H. J. Eysenck, Institute of Psychiatry, London.

1965-66 Part-time Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London.

1966-73 Full-time Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London

 Recognition as Teacher in the Faculties of Arts & Science, University of London

 (Board of Studies in Psychology),

 Recognition as Teacher, Education

1973-80 Senior Lecturer in Child Development, Institute of Education.

1980-96 Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, & Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Sciences, St. George's Hospital Medical School, University of London.

1980-82 Principal Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Service, Wandsworth and East Merton Health District, based at St. George's Hospital, London, SW17.

1982-March 1996 Top Grade (Special Responsibility) Clinical Psychologist. Personal title. ("B" Grade) Consultant Clinical Psychologist

1986 – 1992 District Psychologist, Wandsworth Health Authority; Head of Acute Unit Psychology Services.

1992 - March 1996 Head of Clinical Psychology Services, St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust and Head of Child and Adolescent Psychology Services

1986 - March 1996 Consultant Psychologist, Children's Head Injury Unit, Tadworth Court Children’s    Hospital   

1989 – Present Chartered Clinical Psychologist

April 1997 Professor of Clinical Psychology in the University of London, at Royal Holloway. Course Director, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Royal Holloway.

July 2000- 2004 Specialist Advisor to the Health Advisory Service on Child and Adolescent Mental Health services.

2004 -Present Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London

Clinical Appointments:

1965-1973 Staff Psychologist to the Adolescent Units, Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Children's Department, Maudsley Hospital, London.

1978-1981 Honorary Clinical Psychologist, Child Development Centre, Charing Cross Hospital.

From 1981 Psychologist, latterly, Consultant Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Services, St George's Hospital, London.    

July 1997 – March 1999 Consultant clinical Psychologist (2 sessions), Hounslow and Spelthorne Community NHS Trust: Ashford Hospital Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


1975-1989 Joint Editor, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (From 1983, Senior Editor).

1989-1994 Founder Editor and Editor, Practitioner Reviews, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

1990 -1996 Consulting Editor, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Subsequently joined     Editorial Board.

1978-1984 Editorial Board, Journal of Adolescence.

1981-1996 Associate Editor, British Journal of Clinical Psychology. On Editorial Board.

2001- ? Action Editor, British Journal of Clinical Psychology. Child and Adolescent papers

Professional Associations:

Fellow of the British Psychological Society.

Membership of the Division of Clinical Psychology, British Psychological Society.

Professional Interest Groups:

Member of the Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (lapsed).

Special Interest Group (now Faculty) for Children and Adolescents, Division of Clinical Psychology.

Academic Teaching Experience:

MPhil (Clinical Psychology), Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, Lecturer.

MSc/MA Course, Institute of Education, Senior Lecturer.

MPhil (Psychiatry).

DPM Course at the Institute of Psychiatry.

MRCPsych. Course, St. George's Hospital.

DClinPsy. Royal Holloway, University of London

Institute of Education, including Child Development, Introduction to Philosophy of Science, Research Design and Methodology.

Undergraduate medical students, St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London.

Nurses, School of Nursing, St George's Hospital.

University of Surrey, Department of Psychology, MSc Clinical Psychology. Psychometrics; childhood disorders course; workshops on microcomputer applications in clinical psychology; child behavioural medicine.

University College, London University, MSc course in Clinical Psychology.

Health Sciences Diploma, St. George's Hospital Medical School

Postgraduate Research Supervision:

Supervision of MPhil students in Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry as well as PhD students in Psychology and Education, Universities of London and Surrey and St. George's Hospital Medical School.

Clinical Supervision:

Supervision of the clinical work of MPhil and more recently, D.Clin. Psy. students in clinical psychology, trainee educational psychologists, registrars and senior registrars in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.


Other Teaching / Conferences:

Lectures to a wide variety of other academic and professional groups, conference papers, chair and discussant, etc.


Post-qualification Training:

Co-founder and co-director/tutor of "New Roles in a Changing NHS" management course for experienced clinical psychologists. South West Thames Regional Health Authority, management courses, child neuropsychology.


Special Appointments:

(Unless otherwise indicated, all appointments were for a fixed two- or three-year period of office or for the duration of the working party).

Elected to the Committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology, British Psychological Society, 1972-1973.

Convenor, Working Party of the Division of Clinical Psychology on the Teaching of Psychology to Psychiatrists.

Member of the BPS Working Party to prepare evidence for submission to the DHSS on the role of psychologists in the NHS (Trethowan Committee).

Member of the BPS Working Party to prepare evidence for submission to the DES Committee of Enquiry into Special Education (Warnock Report).

Co-convenor of the BPS Professional Affairs Board Working Party on the Training of Child Psychologists.

Nominee of the Council of the BPS to the Professional Affairs Board, 1975-1979. Council of the BPS.

BPS Council Representative on the Executive Committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology.

Founder and Convenor, Standing Sub-committee on Services for Children and Adolescents, Division of Clinical Psychology, BPS, later, the Special Interest Group for Children and Adolescents.

Member, Board of Examiners for the BPS Diploma in Clinical Psychology.

Member of the Board of Examiners Working Party on the Future of the BPS Diploma in Clinical Psychology.

Contributor on child and adolescent clinical psychology to the special review on the efficacy of clinical psychology applications compiled by Dr Fraser Watts and published in the Management Advisory Service Report on Clinical Psychology, 1989.

Convenor of national conference, May 1990, on "Aspects of Audit - Collecting and Using Clinical Information" under the auspices of the Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Invited by the Division of Clinical Psychology of the BPS to advise on enhancing Division communications using new technology.

Arranged the setting up of the first Clinical Psychology Computer Bulletin Board.

British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology Nominee on the Steering Group on Clinical Audit for Professions Allied to Medicine and Therapy Professions study funded by the Department of Health (The Normand Report).

Member of the Steering Group for the Department of Health funded study on Clinical Audit in Four Health Professions carried out by the Centre for the Evaluation of Public Policy and Practice, Brunel University and the Nursing Research Unit, King's College, London.

Member of the project group convened by Dr June Crown, Director, South East Institute of Public Health, to prepare "Epidemiologically Based Needs Assessment: Child and Adolescent Mental Health" at the request of Department of Health (see Wallace et al. 1996 in list of publications).

Member of DCP Standing Advisory Committee on Quality.

Member of the DCP Informatics Sub-committee.

Member of the Working Party on Clinical Testing of the SCTS.

Member of the PAB Working Party on Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Member of the PAB Working Party on Internet Therapy.

Committee Member of the Faculty for Children and Young People of the Division of Clinical Psychology

Member of the British Psychological Society Standing Committee on Test Standards.

BPS/European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations Representative on the European Commission Sponsored Coalition to Make the Internet a Better Place for Kids 2012


External Examiner Appointments:

Hons. BEd. Gypsy Hill/Kingston Polytechnic.

Advanced Certificate Course for Teachers of Handicapped Children, School of Education, University of Bristol.

Paper I, BPS Diploma in Clinical Psychology - Co-examiner with Professor H. R. Schaffer.

University of Stirling, Diploma in Applied Child Psychology; 1978, 1979, 1980.

University College, London, MSc Educational Psychology; 1978, 1979, 1980.

External Examiner for other Postgraduate Degrees, MPhil, PhD, London, Birmingham and other Universities.

University of Birmingham, BPhil (ed), Diploma in Special Education; 1979, 1980.

University of Birmingham ClinPsyD, External Examiner 1999, 2000, 2001.

University of East Anglia Clinical Doctorate Course External Thesis Examiner.

University of Southampton, External Examiner, Clinical Psychology Doctorate 2002-2004


Project Consultant

Study on the users of Anorexic Aid (Ms. E. Deeble, grant holder)

Makaton Project (Mrs. M. Walker, grant holder)

Research Grants Received:

Social Science Research Council: £2,233 for a study of the prevalence and correlates of educational and intellectual retardation and maladjustment in two age groups of children in an Inner London Borough. Completed in 1971. Grant awarded to M. Berger and W. Yule.

Department of Health and Social Security: £14,600 over a three-year period to evaluate a behavioural approach to the treatment of autistic children. Grant awarded to M. Rutter, W. Yule, M. Berger and L. Hersov. A three-year extension to this grant was subsequently awarded by the DHSS (approx. £14,600).

ILEA provided the premises and seconded one teacher for over five years and then four teachers full-time (for two years) to be trained by W. Yule and myself as part of a service research project in behavioural approaches in the classroom (ended December 1981).

Wandsworth Health Authority funded computer equipment and software to enable the development of computerised information and research system (P-CARD - see Appendix) for the Departments of Clinical Psychology and Child Psychiatry at St. George's Hospital. Grant £6000 approx.

In collaboration with Prof. N. McIntosh of Edinburgh University, a sum of £7000 to study the psychological effects on pre-term infants of forms of intravenous feeds (1990).

Psychological outcome of high risk (very low birth weight) pre-term infants funded by £23000 Audit Grant (awarded to Dr P. Hamilton, Consultant Neonatologist, Dr M. Berger, and Dr J. Hammond, Consultant Paediatrician, St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust). Project implemented under my supervision.


Research Grant Referee for:

Medical Research Council

Mental Health Foundation

Department of Health and Social Security

Spastics Society

Assessor for the Chief Scientist of the Department of Health and Social Security visit to a DHSS funded unit.

Action Aid

South West Thames Regional Health Authority

Action Research

Scottish Home and Health Department


Management Training and Experience:

Organising Committee for a 5-day management course for District and other senior level psychologists, May - June 1990.

District Psychologist and subsequently Head of Clinical Psychology Services, St. George's Healthcare.

Member of various committees and working groups on District organisation, training and planning concerned with psychology and other services.

Founder member and joint convenor of the Health Services Research Group, St. George's Hospital and Medical School.

Member of planning group in St. George's to develop the new organisational structure for the Trust working with external management consultants.

Member of Clinical Audit Steering Group, St. George's Healthcare.


Special Projects:

Wandsworth Health Authority - Pilot Project on Priority Scaling for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - 1994

Standing Advisory Committee on Quality of the DCP - creation and publication of database on audit projects involving clinical psychologists - published 1995 (See Appendix).

Standing Advisory Committee on Quality - commissioned monograph on Outcomes in Clinical Practice (published July1996).

Previous and Current Professional Activities:

Senior Speciality Advisor on Higher Grade Child and Adolescent Psychology Appointments to the Consultant Advisor in Clinical Psychology, Department of Health (B-Grade Assessor); Advisor for posts involving managerial responsibility.

Appointed by the Professional Affairs Board to Chair the Psychology Special Working Group on the Read Code Clinical Terms Project, NHS Centre for Coding and Classification (circa 1992).

Member of the Mental Health Special Working Group for the Read Codes.

Representative of the BPS Professional Affairs Board on the Clinical Professions Information Advisory Group.

Member of the Steering Group for the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HONOSCA) project, led by Royal College of Psychiatrists Research Unit, funded by the Department of Health.

Member of the BPS Standing Advisory Committee on Test Standards: Committee for the Development of Clinical Test Standards.

Founder and Convenor of DCP Special Interest Group on Computers in Clinical Practice.

Member of the Sub-committee on Computerised Testing of the Standing Committee on Test Standards of the BPS

Member of the Informatics Sub-committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology.

Representative of the Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology on the DCP

Member of the Training Sub-committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology

Member of project Group on Benchmark Pricing of the Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology of the DCP, BPS.

Preparation of: BPS Response to the Department of Health consultation:  An Information Revolution: A consultation on proposals (2011).

Computer Programming and Software Development:

Fortran - IBM and CDC, major and minor programmes.

Exchelf - Atlas; LAP 6 - Linc 8 programmed for on-line automated psychological testing for Ph.D. research.

Extensive experience in research data analysis (e.g., SPSS, BMD).

Basic, dBase III+, Clipper, ACCESS, HTML


Recent Projects and Activities

History of Clinical Psychology.

50th Anniversary of the Division of Clinical Psychology. Lead author Child Clinical Psychology

Honorary Member of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford.

Mentoring role

PPB Electronic Records and Information Advisory Group

(Previously PPB Informatics Advisory Group). Founder and Chair. Advisor on issues and fostering initiatives on behalf of Practitioner Psychologists in the Society.

Professional Records Standards Body for Health and Social Care.

BPS Representative and member of the Establishment Board (now defunct) and Advisory Board.

British Computer Society National Mental Health Specialist Group Executive.

BPS representative. Resigned October 2018.

BPS Electronic Records Guidance – Revision Group.

Member of the group appointed to revise the BPS Guidance 2018

2018 Association of Clinical Psychologists UK. Member of the Board for Retired Members and IT advisor.



Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

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