Projects per year
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AHOB3: Ancient Human Occupation of Britain 3. Dispersals of Early Humans: Adaptations, frontiers and new territories
Schreve, D. (CoI), Candy, I. (CoI), Pla Pueyo, S. (CoI), Stringer, C. (CoI), Ashton, N. (CoI), Currant, A. (CoI), Higham, T. (CoI), Lewis, S. (CoI), Parfitt, S. (CoI), Penkman, K. (CoI) & Preece, R. (CoI)
1/10/09 → …
Project: Research
Stable isotopes in small mammal dental carbonate: investigating their applications for reconstructing Quaternary climate variability in the UK
Peneycad, E. (PI), Candy, I. (Mentor) & Schreve, D. (Mentor)
23/09/14 → 21/09/18
Project: Research
Emergence of Acheulean in north-western Europe: an interdisciplinary study
Schreve, D. (PI) & Candy, I. (CoI)
Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle
15/11/10 → 14/11/13
Project: Research
GEOCUSECLA: Geometrical and facies analysis of sedimentary bodies as outcropping analogs for hydrocarbons reservoirs and aquifers: Triassic and neogene examples from south Iberia (II)
Viseras, C. (PI), Pla Pueyo, S. (CoI), Candy, I. (CoI), García García, F. (CoI), Soria, J. M. (CoI), Tent Manclús, J. E. (CoI) & Fernández Martínez, J. (CoI)
1/01/10 → 31/12/12
Project: Research