Personal profile
Personal profile
I am a PhD student in the Information Security group, studying under the CDT programme. My current supervisor is Professor Carlos Cid. Please feel free to email me with any questions about Cryptography, Mathematics, or anything else. My personal website is here:
Research interests
Broadly speaking, my research interests lie at the intersection of the field of Information Security and of Mathematics. That is, I am mainly interested in Cryptography and how mathematical fields such as Algebraic Number Theory and Elliptic Curves play a role in providing secure communications.
Educational background
I have an MSc in Pure Mathematics from Imperial College London and a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Durham.
MT2220 - Vector Calculus (2021/22, Term 2).
MT1100 - Introduction to Geometry (2021/22, Term 1).
Education/Academic qualification
Pure Mathematics, MSc, Lattice Theory and Euclidean Number Fields with applications to Post-Quantum Cryptography, Imperial College London
3 Oct 2020 → 3 Oct 2021
Award Date: 3 Oct 2021
Mathematics, BSc, Periodic and Meromorphic Functions in the Complex Plane, Durham University
1 Oct 2017 → 30 Jun 2020
Award Date: 30 Jun 2020