Evie Gilbert

Evie Gilbert


Personal profile

Research interests

Evie Gilbert is a Human Geography PhD student, supervised by Professor Katherine Brickell and Dr Laurie Parsons at Royal Holloway Unversity of London, within the  Geopolitics, Development, Security and Justice Research Group.

Her research focuses on the imagined futures of work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution for female garment workers in Cambodia, drawing on technological displacement, educational inequalities and technical and vocational education and training. This research is positioned at the cross section between labour and feminst geography with the intention of engaging with speculative and anticipatory knowledge in futures of work studies. 

Educational background

MSc International Developement: Development Mangament, Distinction 

2019- 2020 University of Manchester 

BA(Hons) International Business, First Class 

2015-2018 University of Liverpool 

Other work

Tutor with The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme (present)