Varyl Thorndycraft
- Department of Geography - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Quaternary Research
- Geopolitics, Development, Security and Justice Group
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Academic
Adrian Palmer, BSc, MSc, PhD
- Centre for Quaternary Research
- Department of Geography - Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Staff - Research staff
Ian Candy
- Department of Geography - Professor in Geography
- Centre for Quaternary Research
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Academic
Simon Blockley
- Centre for Quaternary Research
- Department of Geography - Head of Department (Geography)
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Academic
Celia Martin Puertas
- Department of Geography - Lecturer in Physical Geography
Person: Staff - Academic staff
Simon Armitage
- Centre for Quaternary Research
- Department of Geography - Professor in Quaternary Science
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Academic
Laura Boyall
Person: Postgraduate research student
Neil F. Glasser
- Aberystwyth University
- Aberystwyth Univ, Aberystwyth University, Dept Geog & Earth Sci
- Aberystwyth Univ, Aberystwyth University, Inst Geog & Earth Sci, Ctr Glaciol
- Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth Unversity.
External person
Jonathan L. Carrivick
- School of Geography, Politics and Sociology - Newcastle University
- University of Leeds
External person
Michael J. Hambrey
- Centre for Glaciology and Climate Change Consortium of Wales
- Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth Unversity.
- Aberystwyth University
- Institute for Geography and Earth Sciences
External person
David J A Evans
External person
Delia Gheorghiu
External person
Derek Fabel
External person
D.R. Bridgland
External person
Mauri Pelto
External person
Beatrice Demarchi
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Biol
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Archaeol
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Chem
- Departments of Biology, Archaeology and Chemistry
- University of York
External person
Stephan Harrison
External person
Rachel Smedley
External person
Kirsty E. H. Penkman
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Biol
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Archaeol
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Chem
- Departments of Biology, Archaeology and Chemistry
- University of York
External person
Monika Mendelova
External person
Carlos Sancho
External person
Harold Lovell
External person
Christoph Schnabel
- NERC Cosmogenic Isotope Analysis Facility
- Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
- Scottish Enterprise Technology Park
External person
Christopher Darvill
External person
Gerardo Benito
External person
Thomas Holt
- Aberystwyth Univ, Aberystwyth University, Inst Geog & Earth Sci, Ctr Glaciol
External person
Xiaoshuai Chen
- Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, No. 26 Baiwanzhuang Street 100037 9 Beijing, China.
External person
Angel Rodes
External person
Alexander R. Simms
- Univ Calif Santa Barbara, University of California Santa Barbara, University of California System, Environm Studies Program
External person
Antony J. Long
- Durham University
- Durham University, Science Laboratories
- Department of Geography, Durham, University, Durham, UK
External person
Lynda Yorke
External person
Juan-Luis Garcia
External person
Esteban Sagredo
External person
Alicia Medialdea
External person
M. J. Hambrey
- Aberystwyth Univ, Aberystwyth University, Dept Geog & Earth Sci
- Aberystwyth Univ, Aberystwyth University, Inst Geog & Earth Sci, Ctr Glaciol
External person
Michael Kaplan
External person
Alessa Geiger
External person
Tom O. Holt
External person
Mark Brandon
External person
S. Nepal
External person
Peter Convey
External person
Martin Siegert
External person
Regine Hock
- Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
External person
A.F. Lutz
External person
Joeri Rogelj
External person
Andy Hein
External person
John Balfour
External person
Geir Moholdt
- Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California
External person
T. Yao
External person
Jen Thornton
External person
Seth Campbell
External person
Martyn Tranter
External person
Zhenrui Yang
- Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, No. 26 Baiwanzhuang Street 100037 9 Beijing, China.
External person
D. Viviroli
External person
S. M. Pawley
External person
Daniel Brunstein
External person
Julienne Stroeve
External person
A. Fernandez
External person
Delia Gheorgiu
External person
Bradley Markle
External person
James A. Smith
External person
Mauro Fischer
External person
Thomas Grayson
External person
S. Hyde
External person
Jane Rumble
External person
Daniel Paul Le Heron
External person
Y. Wada
External person
T. Bolch
External person
F. R. Wyatt
External person
Yonqing Liu
- Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, No. 26 Baiwanzhuang Street 100037 9 Beijing, China.
External person
Filip Hrbacek
External person
Philipe Huybrechts
External person
William E N Austin
External person
Christopher McNeil
External person
David Bridgland
External person
Bedrich Mlcoch
External person
David Vaughan
External person
Dan Zwartz
External person
A.B. Sinisalo
External person
Tobias Heckman
External person
Daniel Nyvlt
External person
Valentina Radić
- Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia
External person
David Roberts
External person
K Huton
External person
F. Pellicciotti
External person
T. A. Scambos
- Univ Colorado, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado System, CIRES, Natl Snow & Ice Data Ctr
External person
A. Emmer
External person
Alison Banwell
External person
Gareth Marshall
External person
Gerhard Kuhn
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
- Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar und Marine Research
External person
James Bendle
External person
Angus Atkinson
External person
Lynda Yorke
External person
T.H. Painter
External person
Jeremy Ely
External person
P. Pacheco
External person
Geoff Duller
External person
Derek A. Teasdale
External person
L. Z. Wu
- Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences
External person
Tamsin Edwards
External person
C. Xiao
External person
P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink
External person
E. Pettit
- Univ Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska System, Dept Geol & Geophys
External person
P. Mayewski
External person
Michael J Hambrey
External person
M. Koppes
External person
Stephen Jennings
External person
Tas van Ommen
- Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre
- Australian Antarctic Division
- University of Tasmania
External person
A.V. Kulkarni
External person
C.R. Stokes
External person
Peter J. Barrett
External person
M J Collins
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Biol
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Archaeol
- Univ York, University of York - UK, BioArCh, Dept Chem
External person
Malcolm McMillan
External person
Hongwei Kuang
- Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, No. 26 Baiwanzhuang Street 100037 9 Beijing, China.
External person
M. Andrade
External person
H. Biemans
External person
Derek Teasdale
External person
Richard Selwyn Jones
External person
J. Bohlander
- Univ Colorado, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado System, CIRES, Natl Snow & Ice Data Ctr
External person
Vincent Jomelli
External person
Le Heron Daniel Paul
- Univeristy of Vienna, Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology
External person
A.B. Shrestha
External person
Sheng Xu
- NERC Cosmogenic Isotope Analysis Facility
- Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
- Scottish Enterprise Technology Park
External person
External person
M. Truffer
- Univ Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska System, Inst Geophys
External person
M. Feng
External person
A.C. Elmore
External person
Robert P. Ackert
- Harvard University, Department of Physics, 17 Oxford St., Cambridge MA 02138, USA
External person
Walter Immerzeel
External person
X. Li
- Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences
External person
H. Rajaram
External person
Zachary Evans
- Aberystwyth Univ, Aberystwyth University, Inst Geog & Earth Sci, Ctr Glaciol
External person
John Walden
External person
Tobias Bolch
- Department of Geography, University of Zürich
- Institute for Cartography, Technische Universität Dresden
External person
Jim Innes
External person
Bryn Hubbard
External person
Meng Li
- Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploration and Development of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
External person
Yang Xiao
- Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploration and Development of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
External person
Guanghui Wu
- School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
- Southwest Petroleum University China
- China National Petroleum Corporation
External person
Peter F. Barker
External person
Rob McCulloch
External person
W. Tad Pfeffer
- Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder CO, USA
External person
J.S. Kargel
External person
Zbynek Engel
External person
A. Bahl
External person
Robert McNabb
External person
Stephen Livingstone
External person
S. Brumby
External person
Yuchong Wang
- Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, No. 26 Baiwanzhuang Street 100037 9 Beijing, China.
External person
U. Haritashya
External person
Vanessa Bowman
External person
J.E.M Baillie
External person
Rod Downie
External person
J. B. Riding
- British Geol Survey, NERC British Geological Survey, NERC Natural Environment Research Council, Kingsley Dunham Ctr
External person
S. Rupper
External person