Benedetta Cevoli

Benedetta Cevoli


Personal profile

Personal profile

My research interests lie in the broad field of cognitive neuroscience, with a particular focus on language and reading. My doctoral research project seeks to understand how experience is encoded in the long-term representation of words that allow us to read, using an interdisciplinary approach that combines experimental psychology with corpus linguistics and machine learning. Previously, I collaborated at an ESRC research project on the role of sleep in the acquisition of linguistic knowledge (Royal Holloway, University of London) as well as an ERC research project on the statistical learning in visual word identification and reading (SISSA, Trieste). Further, my BSc dissertation investigated the effect of bilingualism on language processing and memory.


I teach undergraduate seminars to first year psychology students, covering a broad range of topics, including psychology in the media, self and society, lifespan, biological foundations, ethics in psychology, sensation & perception, abnormal psychology, learning & memory, etc.

Education/Academic qualification

Psychology, BSc, University of Trieste


External positions

Research Associate, Royal Holloway

Sept 2017Sept 2018

Intern, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)

Feb 2017Jul 2017