Personal profile
Personal profile
- BSc in physics from the University of Portsmouth 2017-2020, with a specialisation in experimental quantum optics.
- MSc in Quantum Technology from the University of Sussex 2020-2021, with a specialisation in Penning trap technology.
Currently undertaking a joint PhD project between Royal Holloway and Diamond Light Source. Project is entitled: "Feasibility of Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation Beam Position Monitor for High-Energy Electron Machines". Goal of the project is to contribute to the development of an eventual BPM utilising ChDR that would be applicable to a high-energy accelerator, such as DLS, but also contribute to the further understanding of the ChDR phenomenon.
Education/Academic qualification
Quantum Technology, MSc, Implementation of Microwave Quantum Illumination with Trapped Electrons, University of Sussex
10 Sept 2020 → 31 Aug 2021
Award Date: 20 Oct 2021
Physics, BSc, Experimental Quantum Interference Using Down-Converted Photons, University of Portsmouth
10 Sept 2017 → 6 Jul 2020
Award Date: 6 Jul 2020