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Olivia Aarons
Person: Postgraduate research student
Marcela Abadia Munoz
Person: Postgraduate research student
Sana Abbas
Person: Postgraduate research student
Mahdiyah Abdul-Hussain
Person: Postgraduate research student
Dr Btissam Aboubichr
- School of Business and Management - Lecturer in Human Resource Management
- Centre for Critical and Historical Research on Organisation and Society
- Human Resource Management and Organisation Studies
Person: Staff - Academic staff
Dr. Giulia Achilli
- School of Business and Management - Lecturer in Accounting
- Centre for Critical and Historical Research on Organisation and Society
- Centre for Research into Sustainability
Person: Academic Contact, Staff - Academic staff
Jurgen Adam
- Department of Earth Sciences - Professor of Structural Geology
Person: Staff - Academic staff
Peter Adey
- Department of Geography - Professor of Geography
- Social, Cultural and Historical Geography
- The Royal Holloway Centre for the GeoHumanities
- Geopolitics, Development, Security and Justice Group
- Centre for Research into Sustainability
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Academic
Dipannita Adhikary
Person: Postgraduate research student
Amir Adib
Person: Postgraduate research student
John Agbakoba
Person: Postgraduate research student
Patrick Agbakpe
Person: Postgraduate research student
Dahab Aglan
Person: Postgraduate research student
Gloria Agyemang
- Centre for Research into Sustainability
- Centre for Critical and Historical Research on Organisation and Society
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Academic
Crystal Ahiable
Person: Postgraduate research student
Bilal Ahmad
Person: Postgraduate research student
Azizah Ahmed
Person: Postgraduate research student
Sudha Ahuja
- Department of Physics - Postdoctoral Research Assistant
- Centre for Particle Physics and Astronomy
- Experimental Particle Physics
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Staff - Research staff
Erhauyi Aiwerioghene
- Department of Health Studies - Senior Lecturer Health Leadership & Educ
Person: Staff - Academic staff
Yasmin Akhter
Person: Postgraduate research student
Tega Akpobi
- School of Business and Management - Senior Lecturer in Intl Business (TF)
- Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship
Person: Staff - Academic staff
Abdullah Alamri
Person: Postgraduate research student
Abeer Alanazi
Person: Postgraduate research student
Mohammad Albanai
Person: Postgraduate research student
Mnzal Albyalai
Person: Postgraduate research student
Mohammed Aldawghan
Person: Postgraduate research student
Siobhan Alden
- Department of Physics - Research Fellow in Accelerator Physics
Person: Staff - Research staff
Eleanor Alderman
Person: Postgraduate research student
James Alderman
Person: Postgraduate research student
Maryam Aldossari
- School of Business and Management - Senior Lecturer
- Human Resource Management and Organisation Studies
Person: Staff - Academic staff
Grigory Aleksin
Person: Postgraduate research student
Konstantinos Alexandris Polomarkakis
- Department of Law and Criminology - Professor of Law
Person: Staff - Academic staff
Sheli Algranati
Person: Postgraduate research student
Arwa Alhumam
Person: Postgraduate research student
Majid Ali
- Department of Physics
- Centre for Particle Physics and Astronomy
- John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science
Person: Postgraduate research student
Jennifer Allen
Person: Postgraduate research student
Kieran Allen
Person: Postgraduate research student
Nicholas Allen
- Democracy and Elections Centre
- Department of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy - Professor of Politics
Person: Staff - Academic staff, Academic
Tobias Allington
Person: Postgraduate research student
Rebecca Allinson
Person: Postgraduate research student