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Unlocking the potential of Quantum LDPC Codes for low-overhead fault-tolerance
Kay, A. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/06/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
What Is Metrology If Quantum Measurements Don’t Reveal A Pre-Existing Reality?
Schack, R. (PI)
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Synthesis of Quantum States
Kay, A. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/09/16 → 31/08/18
Project: Research
Research in Pairs - Collaboration with Dr Stefan Keppeler
Bolte, J. (PI)
20/06/16 → 1/07/16
Project: Other
MOMENTS: Moment inequalities in matrix algebras
Leka, Z. (Fellow) & Audenaert, K. (Fellow)
1/09/15 → 31/08/17
Project: Research
Chiral symmetry breaking with Dirac operators on graphs
Bolte, J. (PI)
1/07/10 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Teaching Fellowship
Schack, R. (PI)
Berlin Institute for Advanced Study
1/09/09 → 31/07/10
Project: Research