Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 56 results
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A Computational Approach to Understanding Maladaptive Cognition in Depression
Cabral Sidarus, N. (PI)
Economic & Social Res Coun ESRC
1/05/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Other
Quantifying the reduction in cyber motion sickness due to copernic360
Arshad, I. (Researcher) & Ferrè, E. R. (PI)
1/02/20 → 15/03/20
Project: Research
MoL: Neural Mechanisms of Oculomotor Learning Over the Life-Course
Danvers, M. (Student), Ramnani, N. (PI) & Longley, M. (Researcher)
15/07/19 → 14/07/22
Project: Research
Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy (SSNAP)
Vetter, P. (PI)
30/04/19 → 15/11/19
Project: Other
Using depth of field to guide attention and convey narrative structure
Durant, S. (PI), Ganz, A. (CoI) & Soderberg, C. (Student)
9/10/17 → 8/10/20
Project: Research
The risk of unknowingly disclosing personal information through eye tracking and webcam technology
Durant, S. (PI), Woods, C. (Student), Watling, D. (CoI) & Luo, Z. (CoI)
9/10/17 → 8/10/20
Project: Research
Agency in Microgravity: vestibular alterations in voluntary action under conditions typical of spaceflight
Ferrè, E. R. (PI)
15/08/17 → 14/08/19
Project: Research
Cybersickness: a perceptual information-processing approach
Ferrè, E. R. (PI)
1/05/17 → 30/10/18
Project: Research
The perception of weight on Earth
Ferrè, E. R. (PI) & Longo, M. (CoI)
1/04/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
Towards a new cognitive neuroscientific account of verbal serial short-term memory and learning: A perceptual-motor approach (PhD project)
Virhia, J. (Student), Ramnani, N. (Other) & Hughes, R. (Other)
26/09/16 → 25/08/21
Project: Research
Vestibular System: a system of mental health
Ferrè, E. R. (PI)
The British Psychological Society
1/01/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Involvement of visual pathways in expectation and temporal processsing
Durant, S. (PI)
12/01/15 → 11/12/15
Project: Research
How is symmetry processed and how does that influence visual preference?
Zanker, J. (PI)
Economic & Social Res Coun ESRC
1/02/14 → 31/01/17
Project: Research
Interactive Amsler Grids (IAG)-clinical pilot
Zanker, J. (PI)
South Devon Healthcare NHS-Torbay Hospital
6/01/14 → 5/01/15
Project: Research
Assessing the ‘MD_evReader’ iPad app as a technological aid to enhance reading in macular disease
Walker, R. (PI)
Economic & Social Res Coun ESRC
1/10/13 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
Skill-Learning in the Elderly: Brain Systems, Eye-movements, and Driver Behaviour
Ramnani, N. (PI)
1/10/13 → 30/09/16
Project: Research
The role of the human midbrain in response preparation
Walker, R. (PI)
1/02/13 → 31/01/16
Project: Research
Cognitive and Motor Skills: Adaption over the Lifespan, Neural Signatures and Transfer from Lab to Field
Ramnani, N. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
7/01/13 → 6/01/16
Project: Research
PhD Sensory Neuroscience
Rowland, E. (CoI), Durant, S. (CoI) & Zanker, J. (CoI)
26/09/11 → 26/09/14
Project: Research
The different faces of one’s self: Neural correlates of changes in self-identity
Tajadura Jimenez, A. (PI)
1/09/11 → 31/05/12
Project: Research
Eye-volution: A creative intervention for young people with disabilities
Holmes, T. (PI) & Zanker, J. (CoI)
1/08/11 → 31/01/12
Project: Research
The sounds around my body: Exploring the link between auditory perception and body representation
Tajadura Jimenez, A. (PI)
1/06/11 → 31/07/11
Project: Research
The plasticity of self: experimenting with self-identity in the face of change
Tsakiris, M. (PI)
1/02/11 → 31/01/16
Project: Research
Enhancing driver awareness of perceptual errors in approach speed judgments for road crossing and decisions at junctions
Wann, J. (PI)
Economic & Social Res Coun ESRC
1/01/11 → 31/10/12
Project: Research
Narcissus and Echo: self consciousness and the inter-subjective body
Tsakiris, M. (PI)
1/10/10 → 30/09/13
Project: Research
Perceptual judgements by elderly road users when observing vehicle approach
Wann, J. (PI)
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
1/09/10 → 30/03/11
Project: Research
Measurement and modelling of centre and surround mechanisms in human visual cortex
Larsson, J. (PI)
1/09/10 → 31/08/13
Project: Research
Sensory integration in human brain areas involved in monitoring self-motion
Smith, A. T. (PI)
1/09/10 → 31/08/12
Project: Research
Understanding the complexity software: a behavioural neuroscience approach
Durant, S. (PI)
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
1/06/10 → 31/01/11
Project: Research
Judgments of vehicle approach, in a road crossing situation, amongst primary school children and children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
Purcell, C. (CoI) & Wann, J. (PI)
1/10/09 → 1/10/11
Project: Research
Street Lighting Glare: A study using the measurement of light scatter and Fmri
Smith, A. T. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/06/09 → 1/06/12
Project: Research
The role of inhibition in response selection with endogenous and socially-relevant cues
Walker, R. (PI)
Economic & Social Res Coun ESRC
1/11/08 → 1/11/09
Project: Research
Looking for myself: Interactions between multisensory integration and recognition of one's own face
Tsakiris, M. (PI)
Economic & Social Res Coun ESRC
1/11/08 → 1/11/11
Project: Research
CODDE: Coding of Optimal Decisions for Dynamic Environments
Smith, A. T. (PI) & Wann, J. (PI)
1/10/08 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
The Body-Project: interdisciplinary investigations on bodliy experiences
Tsakiris, M. (PI)
1/01/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Perceived speed: The effect of luminance and contrast and its implications for cricket
Hammett, S. (PI)
1/12/07 → 30/11/08
Project: Research
Neural Response to Visual Motion in Natural Scenes
Durant, S. (PI)
1/10/07 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
The encoding of optic flow and self-motion in human cortical areas MST and VIP
Smith, A. T. (PI)
1/10/07 → 30/09/10
Project: Research
The sense of self in the brain: neural correlates of self-recognition
Tsakiris, M. (PI)
1/09/07 → 31/08/09
Project: Research
Cogntion and action in the Cortico-Cerebellar system
Ramnani, N. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Neural mechanisms of collision detection and steering
Wann, J. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/06 → 1/04/10
Project: Research
A simple explanation of illusory motion experienced in Op Art paintings
Zanker, J. (PI)
1/10/06 → 30/09/07
Project: Research