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Implementação de um Protocolo de Entrevista Forense para crianças vítimas, testemunhas e ofensoras (Implementation of a Forensic Interview Protocol for victims, witness and perpetrador children)
Eduardo Peixoto, C., Fernandes, R. V., Almeida, T. S., Silva, J. M., Ribeiro, C., Lamb, M., La Rooy, D. & Magalhães, T.
Project: Research
Promoting justice: Professionalising frontline policing with an evidence-based Structured Interview Protocol
Gabbert, F., Hope, L., Milne, B., Ellis, T. & La Rooy, D.
Project: Research
Study to support a report from the European Commission to the European Parliament, Council and the European Economic and Social Committee on the application of Regulation (EU) No 4/2009 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations (JUST/2019/JCOO/FW/CIVI/176 (2020/05).
Wells-Greco, M. (PI) & SPRL, V. B. (PI)
Project: Research