Projects per year
- 350 - 395 out of 395 results
Search results
Population Genetics and Chemoecology of the Stag Beetle
Gange, A. (PI)
People's Trust for Endangered Species
1/03/07 → 29/02/12
Project: Research
Defining targets for therapeutics in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Yáñez-Muñoz, R. J. (PI)
1/03/07 → 28/02/10
Project: Research
A protein based method for the detection of gelatine in plant based foods and beverages
Bramley, P. (PI)
1/02/07 → 31/01/08
Project: Research
INNOVAC: Highly Innovative Strategies for Vaccination to Poverty Related Diseases
Cutting, S. (PI)
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Novel pathways regulating memory in mammals
Alifragis, P. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
MYORES: MYORES Multi-organismic Approach to study Normal and Aberrant Muscle Development, Function and Repair
Beauchamp, J. (PI)
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Establish the link between Jasmonate Signalling and Cell Cycle
Devoto, A. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/10/06 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
The role of the E2F transcription factors in regulating stem cell functions during Arabidopsis root development
Bogre, L. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/09/06 → 31/08/09
Project: Research
Optimization and Efficacy of Transcutaneous “Stealth” Adenovirus Vector Vaccine
Dickson, G. (PI)
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
1/09/06 → 31/08/07
Project: Research
Mycorrhizal diversity in Late Quaternary permafrost soil
Barnes, I. (PI)
14/08/06 → 13/08/07
Project: Research
Strategies to reverse the hedgehog decline: implications for biodiversity in town and countryside
Bright, P. (PI)
People's Trust for Endangered Species
1/06/06 → 31/05/09
Project: Research
(CLINIGENE): European Network for the advancement of clinical Gene transfer and therapy (CLINIGENE)
Dickson, G. (PI) & Yáñez-Muñoz, R. J. (PI)
European Union, European Commission
1/06/06 → 30/11/07
Project: Research
(SOL): High Quality Solanaceous Crops for Consumers, Processors and Producers by Exploration of Natural Biodiversity
Bramley, P. (PI)
1/05/06 → 30/04/09
Project: Research
MudPIT: An investigation of the use of MudPIT as a tool for the separation and Quantification of protein etc
Bramley, P. (PI)
1/04/06 → 31/03/09
Project: Research
CIAC'06-Caphalopod Life-Cycles: Biology, Management and Conservation
Shaw, P. (PI)
1/02/06 → 11/02/06
Project: Research
Fungal endophytes in herbaceous plants: mutualists or antagonists
Gange, A. (PI)
Natural Envt Research Council (NERC)
1/02/06 → 31/08/09
Project: Research
A metabolomic approach to the identification of the health based consumer traits in tomato
Bramley, P. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/02/06 → 31/01/09
Project: Research
POLYALA: Insights into novel therapeutic strategies for a nuclear inclusion disease caused by polyalanine expansion
Dickson, G. (PI)
1/01/06 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
Amorphous computation, random graphs and complex biological networks
Jansen , V. A. A. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/01/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
The role of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor in Muscular Dystrophy
Dickson, G. (PI)
1/12/05 → 30/11/06
Project: Research
The genetics of mammalian speciation and extinction in the Late Pleistocene
Barnes, I. (PI)
Natural Envt Research Council (NERC)
1/11/05 → 31/10/10
Project: Research
Proteomic approach to the determination of meat species within mixed meat products
Bramley, P. (PI)
1/11/05 → 31/10/07
Project: Research
The identification of a robust market for ther detection of MRM/MSM in different meat products
Bramley, P. (PI)
1/11/05 → 31/10/07
Project: Research
The application of proteomics to the authentication of animal feeds
Bramley, P. (PI)
1/10/05 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Genetic Dissection of changes in plant architecture in responses to competing vegetation
Devlin, P. (PI)
1/10/05 → 30/09/06
Project: Research
Provision of data sets from quadrapole MS analysis of samples
Bramley, P. (PI)
Veterinary Laboratories Agency
1/09/05 → 31/08/08
Project: Research
Proteomic analysis of relict mitochondrial organellesof entamoeba histolytica
Tovar-Torres, J. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/03/05 → 30/11/08
Project: Research
PMCA2 (plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase) - its role in synapse structure and function
Beesley, P. (PI)
30/11/04 → 29/08/08
Project: Research
MAP kinase signalling to the plant cell cycle: an integrated functional genomic approach
Bogre, L. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
7/06/04 → 6/12/07
Project: Research
Molecular identification of CLS8, a gene involved in calcium signalling and plant chilling tolerance.
Bramley, P. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
9/02/04 → 8/08/06
Project: Research
The evolution of learning - bumblebees as a model
Raine, N. (CoI) & Chittka, L. (PI)
Natural Envt Research Council (NERC)
12/01/04 → 11/04/07
Project: Research
Use of light control of Plastid Biogenesis for the Metabolic engineering of Antioxidants in Tomato
Bramley, P. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/11/03 → 31/10/06
Project: Research
Mucosal Vaccination Against Anthrax
Cutting, S. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/11/03 → 31/10/06
Project: Research
The role of heparin and heparin sulphate in the biological activity of GDNF
Rider, C. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/09/03 → 31/10/06
Project: Research
The mechanism of action of SFR2 protein in enabling plant cells to tolerate
Bramley, P. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/05/03 → 30/04/06
Project: Research
Growth-Signalling Pathway in Arabidopsis involving Phosphatidic Acid, PDK1 and PKA-Like Protein Kinases
Bogre, L. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/04/03 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Characterisation of the Entamocba Histolytiva mitosome
Tovar-Torres, J. (PI)
Biotechnology&BioSci Research BBSRC
1/09/00 → 31/08/03
Project: Research
The role and evolution of mitochondrial function in the amitochondriate human pathogen Giardia intestinalis
Tovar-Torres, J. (PI)
1/03/00 → 28/02/03
Project: Research