Projects per year
- 32 Finished
Search results
Analyzing Security-aware Workflows (funded by Leverhulme Trust)
Gutin, G. (PI), Crampton, J. (CoI) & Cohen, D. (CoI)
1/01/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Polytope methods in parameterized complexity
Wahlström, M. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/12/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Probabilistic Combinatorics: Marking Colin McDiarmid's Retirement
Gerke, S. (PI)
9/04/16 → 10/04/16
Project: Other
Trustworthy Digital Systems - A Proposed Novel Distributed Services Architecture
Stathis, K. (PI)
28/11/11 → 27/05/12
Project: Research
Lexical Semantics in Type Theory with Coercive Subtyping
Luo, Z. (PI)
1/06/11 → 31/05/14
Project: Research
PLanCompS: PLanCompS: Programming Language Components and Specifications
Johnstone, A. (PI), Scott, E. (CoI), Reddington, J. (CoI) & Walsh, R. (CoI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/06/11 → 31/05/15
Project: Research
2iC Run Time technical prototype including Service Registery
Stathis, K. (PI)
South East England Development Agency
12/04/11 → 11/07/11
Project: Research
Preprocessing for Optimisation Problems Parameterized Above/Below Tight Bounds
Gutin, G. (PI) & Yeo, A. (CoI)
1/12/10 → 30/11/12
Project: Research
Intelligent Agent Technology for Service Grids - II
Stathis, K. (PI) & Dean, J. (CoI)
1/05/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Intelligent Agent Technology for Service Grids - I
Stathis, K. (PI) & Dean, J. (CoI)
1/07/09 → 28/02/10
Project: Research
One-One Meeting with Prof M Henning (South Africa): Total domination in graphs and transversals in hypergraphs
Yeo, A. (PI)
1/07/09 → 31/07/09
Project: Research
Explosive trace detection with an odour capture hybrid sensor system
Luo, Z. (PI)
1/04/09 → 31/03/11
Project: Research
South Africa-UK Science Networks phase II Visitor Prof M Henning
Yeo, A. (PI)
15/07/08 → 30/07/08
Project: Research
International conference on discrete mathematics 2008
Gutin, G. (PI)
6/05/08 → 12/05/08
Project: Research
The complexity of valued constraints
Cohen, D. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/07 → 1/10/10
Project: Research
Parameterized problems on directed graphs
Gutin, G. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/09/07 → 31/08/10
Project: Research
3D Modelling of Agent-Based Web-Services for E-Retailing Project
Stathis, K. (PI)
26/03/07 → 26/09/07
Project: Research
Machine learning for resource management in next-generation optical networks
Luo, Z. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/06 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
Argumentation as a foundation for the semantic grid
Stathis, K. (PI)
1/06/06 → 31/05/09
Project: Research
Groebner Basis Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Cohen, D. (CoI) & Jeavons, P. (PI)
30/03/06 → 30/03/09
Project: Research
Tractability of Constraint Problems: Unification, Extension and Applicability
Cohen, D. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/05 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Epigram II: Innovative programming via inductive families
Luo, Z. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/04 → 31/08/05
Project: Research
Pythagoras II: Pythagoras II: Machine support for semi-formalised proof oriented mathematics
Luo, Z. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
EU Thematic Network TYPES: Computer-assisted reasoning based on type theory
Luo, Z. (PI)
1/09/04 → 30/04/08
Project: Research
Pythagoras I: Pythagoras I: Machine support for semi-formalised proof oriented mathematics
Luo, Z. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/02 → 30/09/04
Project: Research
Epigram I: Innovative programming via inductive families
Luo, Z. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/12/01 → 30/09/04
Project: Research
TYPES: Computer-assisted reasoning based on type theory
Luo, Z. (PI)
1/08/00 → 31/12/03
Project: Research
An open proof checker based on type theory
Luo, Z. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/08/99 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
Subtyping, inheritance, and reuse
Luo, Z. (PI)
Eng & Phys Sci Res Council EPSRC
1/10/96 → 31/03/00
Project: Research