Activity: Other › Public engagement, outreach and knowledge exchange - Other
I have the opportunity to participate in varied science outreach events, spanning topics from my particular research to careers in general. I interact with pupils of all ages, and with groups of different sizes (from individuals to whole year groups). The activities in which I have participated are outlined below. 15th November 2016: Careers assembly talk to Year 11 pupils at The Westgate School, Slough. 6th July 2017 and 5th July 2018: Discussed careers and STEM in the Meet the Future You session, of The Big Bang London, Newham College. 11th July 2017: Discussed my research with small groups at a Year 6 careers session at Rhodes Avenue Primary School, London. 27th & 28th November 2017: Discussed my research and job skills with groups of Year 6 pupils as part of the Meet a Scientist event at the Science Museum, London. 5th January 2018: Designed and ran a hands-on science enrichment session about Ice Age mammals with year 8 pupils at Reach Academy, Feltham.