The WDR (West German Broadcasting Corporation) broadcast series of feature films, documentaries and television dramas that engage with HeimatGefühle (HeimatFeelings), as the series is called. Several of these films explore the relationship between migration and homeland and include Fatih Akin’s feature Solino (2002), his documentary Wir haben vergessen zurückzukehren/We forgot to return (2000), as well as Helma Sanders-Brahms Shirin’s Hochzeit/Shirin’s Wedding (1976). The selection of films, which went on air between 21 October and 26 November 2009, reflects the WDR’s commitment to intercultural dialogue. On Saturday, 31 October 2009, the WDR broadcast a documentary entitled 'Plötzlich so viel Heimat' (Suddenly so much Heimat), in which filmmakers and experts were interviewed about the cinematic representation of Heimat and migration.Period | 31 Oct 2009 |
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