NERC Radiocarbon Facility (NRCF) (External organisation)

  • Rupert Housley (Participant)

Activity: MembershipMembership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel


- To provide facilties for natural abundance 14C measurement and related analytical techniques for access by Earth and Environmental Scientists (RCL) and Environmental Scientists and Archaeologists (ORADS) in support of their research objectives, and by doing so to address NERC scientific strategies, including environmental and natural resource issues.
- To undertake research and development, covering all aspects of natural 14C measurement including its applications, to strengthen scientific contribution to relevant NERC Research Agendas.
- To promote the awareness, application and technology of natural 14C measurement with the wider scientific community.
- To provide training and encourage good practice in the general application of natural 14C measurement.
- To provide scientific expertise and collaboration to the benefit of the user community.
- To operate appropriate procedures to enable ready access to the Laboratory facilities while ensuring that the best science is promoted and supported, for example, by peer review of the quality and relevance of all applications for analytical support.

Period1 Dec 20081 Jul 2012
Held atNERC Radiocarbon Facility (NRCF)