Member of SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) (External organisation)

  • Jennie Cole (Participant)

Activity: MembershipMembership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel


The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) is a UK-based international learned society concerned to advance understanding of higher education, especially through the insights, perspectives and knowledge offered by systematic research and scholarship. The SRHE aims to be the leading international society in the field, as to both the support and the dissemination of research, and is a specialist publisher of research, with over 100 titles in print.

The broad aims of the SRHE are to:

• stimulate new forms of research and inquiry into higher education as a field of study;
• assist in developing research capacity in relation to the field;
• encourage and support those coming into the field of higher education studies;
• develop a network of scholars and researchers in the field of higher education studies;
• offer fora for the presentation of research and scholarship in the field;
• promote the development and widening of research methodologies in the field;
• provide opportunities for the publication of research and scholarship in the field;
• develop opportunities through which researchers in the field can engage with policy-makers, practitioners within higher education, and other potential interested parties, so that policy and practices may be shaped by research.
Period27 Feb 201627 Jul 2018
Held atMember of SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education)