Filming and Performing Renaissance History (External organisation)

  • Christie Carson (Participant)

Activity: MembershipMembership of research network


Filming and Performing Renaissance History 1500-1660

Filming and Performing Renaissance History 1500-1660 is an Arts and Humanities Research Council funded Research Networks project. It places in juxtaposition individuals and groups already addressing or interested in exploring representations of Renaissance history across and between genres, cultures and disciplines. Concentrating on all types of filmic and performative examples, the network investigates the corpus of representations of the years between 1500 and 1660 (such as the history film, the television period drama, television history, themed museum exhibition, reenactment experience and historically-situated theatre and opera). Dr Christie Carson is a member of the Steering Group and has contributed a chapter to the book that came out of this Network.

Member of the Steering Group for ‘Filming and Performing Renaissance History’ an AHRC Network, Queen’s University Belfast, 2008-10
Period1 Sept 200830 Dec 2010
Held atFilming and Performing Renaissance History