A platform for artistic research and art-based societal development, European and Middle Eastern artists explore issues of migration, sociological contact zones, intercultural conflict and dialogue, collective identity-building, and community cohesion in contemporary Europe through new artistic creations.Humor (aesthetic approach) and participatory arts (methods) are employed to
guide interaction, dialogue, and cooperation between the migrant and host
communities, inviting its members to share knowledge, respect and laugh together, at the same things and at themselves.
The aim is to use culture and art as resources for the critical development of social wellbeing and peaceful inter-community relations, within and outside Europe;
- interaction/cooperation between cultural operators of EU and ME countries;
- integration processes which are more enjoyable, meaningful and
constructive for all;
- practical consolidation of a new artistic genre and methodology employing
humor and participatory arts techniques to:
a) facilitate dialogue in situations of cultural conflict (political, ideological,
b) negotiate community-based attitudes and solutions for such cultural
Supported by Creative Europe, Västra Götaland Region + other
national/regional/local sources.
Ami is invited as an artist to take part in a meeting and present suriashi as a strategy for societal interaction. In this meeting there will be 10 artists from Bulgaria, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia. Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Turkey. There will also be 20 representatives from steering committees in the mentioned countries.
Period | 16 Oct 2017 → 20 Oct 2017 |
- artisitc research
- art-based societal developmen
- humour
- satire