BAM 2014 The Role of the Business School in Supporting Economic and Social Development

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference


Today, without question, higher education plays an important role in supporting and facilitating economic growth. Research confirms that the prosperity of regional economies and the health of their universities are inextricably linked. In the face of austerity and increasing public sector budget cuts business schools have a key role to play through their research and teaching and learning activities in helping to drive economic and social development. Dedicated to representing and developing the community of management academics, the BAM conference in 2014 will explore the role that university business school research and practice plays in fostering economic and social growth and development in the global business environment.

Today’s business schools continually interact with external organisations, for example through education and training for a diverse workforce, research publications, conferences, consulting, joint research and development, enterprise and new business formation. All of these, in turn, affect regional economic development. But arguably the ultimate impact will depend upon cooperation and knowledge exchange between academic researchers and the business sector.

Critical questions include:

•What are the economic, social, environmental and cultural impacts that can be generated by Business School research beyond the development of theory?

•Where and how can business school based research contribute to the future economic and social development of regions?

•How can impacts be sustained beyond the current economic crisis?

The BAM 2014 conference will not only explore the academic (or supply side) perspective of how business school research can drive economic growth, but an industry/organization (or demand side) perspective through engagement. Belfast has seen much change in the last 10 years and today is a vibrant city full of opportunity, inspiring enterprise, creativity and change. As the capital city of Northern Ireland, Belfast has built a reputation as an international destination for city tourism visits and a gateway for tourists visiting the whole of the island of Ireland. As a result of renewed confidence in Belfast as a business hub and as a contemporary urban visitor destination, the city is positioned as Northern Ireland’s regional driver. The University of Ulster’s mission is to support, facilitate and inspire regional economic development and its impact will be visible to all delegates.

Period9 Sept 201411 Sept 2014
Event typeOther


  • business school
  • leadership
  • management
  • economy